Life is Messy

The real “Reality” TV and Happiness

 I am  caught up in giraffe mania! If you don’t know what I am talking about I am talking about the long wait for April the giraffe to have her baby. She has become an internet sensation in the last couple weeks. I check several times a day and have been known to check the live feed in the middle of the night. I have spent way too much time concerned about the rear end of a giraffe.  It has been a distraction to everything else going on and a great way to shift focus off of other stressful situations and she’s adorable. It is an inadvertent addition to the Self Care program. If you are curious, I have shared the link below. I have also been  watching Planet Earth 2 on BBCA.  If you haven’t had a chance to watch it, check it out.  Amazing. As part of my Self Care ( I really need a better term for this) I wrote a list of things that brought me happiness. Nature and wildlife were at the top of the list.  Planet Earth 2, shot in amazing 4k fills the bill and is the best reality show on right now. BBC Earth even has a bot that will send  you moments of happiness from nature. In the midst of all of this, a scientific study  was published that shows that watching these types of programs can make you happier and reduce stress. I believe it.  They say you are what you eat, maybe we are what we watch as well.  We become the energy we take in. Sometimes when we get stressed and look for mindless television we watch reality TV with lots of drama and fights and debates about whether someone Is there “for the right reasons”. We all have our guilty pleasures. But maybe next time you are stressed or unhappy trade that reality TV  to real reality TV. Change the energy you take in. See what happens.

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